What is an image? This is a question that philosophers and poets have asked themselves for thousands of years and have yet to definitively answer. The most widely used definition of an image these days is:"...an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time." (Ezra Pound)
therefore, the question "what is an image?" immediately breaks down into three fundamental parts:
1) Where do images come from?
2) Once an image is created, what is it?
3) How can an image function in a poem?
For my project i have decided to define a image as a photograph or a manipulated photograph to scale down the size of the potential subject.
and so there for to apply the image to E.E Cummings poem, I need to figure out the ideas and metaphors of the poem
A school of poetry and poetics made popular by Ezra Pound, Amy Lowell and H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) in the early 20Th century that focused on "direct treatment of the thing, whether subjective or objective." H.D.'s "Sea Garden" is often seen as a good example of this style.
they believed there was two types of imagery in poems
Concrete detail
A detail in a poem that has a basis in something "real" or tangible, not abstract or intellectual, based more in things than in thought.
Sensory detail
A detail that draws on any of the five senses. That is often more unrealistic or uncomparable to real life.
I carry your heart with mine has more concrete imagery but also has a small mix of sensory detail with is part of the reason i chose the poem to get a interesting mixture of images.