
book cover project

here is one of our 24 hour briefs we had to cover
the brief this week was a book cover,
I decide to a do a horror book to shoot for
which required large amounts of tomato sauce


image to text research

What is an image? This is a question that philosophers and poets have asked themselves for thousands of years and have yet to definitively answer. The most widely used definition of an image these days is:" intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time." (Ezra Pound)

therefore, the question "what is an image?" immediately breaks down into three fundamental parts:

1) Where do images come from?

2) Once an image is created, what is it?

3) How can an image function in a poem?

For my project i have decided to define a image as a photograph or a manipulated photograph to scale down the size of the potential subject.

and so there for to apply the image to E.E Cummings poem, I need to figure out the ideas and metaphors of the poem

A school of poetry and poetics made popular by Ezra Pound, Amy Lowell and H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) in the early 20Th century that focused on "direct treatment of the thing, whether subjective or objective." H.D.'s "Sea Garden" is often seen as a good example of this style.
they believed there was two types of imagery in poems

Concrete detail

A detail in a poem that has a basis in something "real" or tangible, not abstract or intellectual, based more in things than in thought.

Sensory detail

A detail that draws on any of the five senses. That is often more unrealistic or uncomparable to real life.

I carry your heart with mine has more concrete imagery but also has a small mix of sensory detail with is part of the reason i chose the poem to get a interesting mixture of images.


logo (web 2.0 style) for website

This is my first attempt of a logo (or possible a business card) for my website
I chose a mixture of simple clean designs with off the wall designs, to make my final choice clearer, I think I will use different elements from all the cards. My personal favorite is the two orange and blue circles because it has a retro feel but also a contemporary styling but may be too corporate looking for my small business. I think i would like my final design to include one of my own photographs.


Street wise

This is a image i created for practicing texture and patterns for my website, trying different font and backgrounds to fit a theme
. the theme is for a safety poster for youth road safety i think that clear shown in the image i have created and the typography fits in well with this.
There also some basic notes
I took from our first lesson detailing the first principals about web hosting.


1 st attempt at logo

This was a exercise given to us, to design a logo for a blog, the theme for this logo was jagged. So i went for a brick rock textured background with a bold shaky font download from I feel I have completed the desired results with the first steps of basic training we have received so far.


Inspiration & project proposal form

Here is a TV film i saw a few years ago which i instantly fell in love, with its amazing cinematography the way every shot is at interesting and different angles from most usual programs, you can see the hard work the director of photography Rob Hardy has put in.

Boy A trailer

Foundation Degree Yr 2


Short Photo Project Proposal Form

Please indicate using this form indicating your initial concept, what the creative approach will be and how you might approach it from a technical perspective.

Project basis:

  1. A series of images that are based on a verse or line from a song or poem;
  2. A series of images that are based on a documentary style that include commentary from the subjects involved;
  3. A purely narrative based subject with text such as Chris Markers ‘Le Jetee’

Please be as detailed as you can in your description of your intended project.

Concept Description – overall idea (this might change in the development stage).

Here is the poem I plan to use to carry out my brief, hopefully to produce a set of thought provoking images from.

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping
the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

This is the main verse I want to use for my inspiration for the images but this is subject to change.

I chose this poem by E.E. Cummings because I feel there is a lot of symbolism and deeper meaning; This will be helpful in the creating and planning of image ideas.

Creative approach – what will it look like

The main ideas of the poem are about nature and love and I aim to match these ideals in my work. I will work manly in black and white and need to find suitable locations such as forests, woods, rivers etc. I may also include some still life studio work to give the work an extra dimension.

Technical approach – describe as best you can

I will work with film for the outdoor location shoots and probably with digital hasselblads in the studio sessions. Use of a portable light kit maybe needed in the locations shoots because of the low light in the later months. After I have processed the film I will scan them to the computer and edit them with the studio work in Photoshop for final retouching and adjustments.

Sam Walker

FDA 2nd year