For our websites we have to a h

ave a dedicated page for the sole purpose of clients contacting or enquiring directly to the photographer without the hassle of copy and pasting email addresses, This is a called a form page or a contact page, I decide to use
dreamweaver to create mine, First of all every box has to be within a form tag (red outlined box).
The first tag put down is a name text box so the client can be easily found, the second is a email address (or a telephone number which ever the client prefers) so you can
respond to the client, then most websites have a query box so the client can ask the photographer questions but there are a number of optional fields which i have put in mine like signing up to the newsletter and submitting an attachment. Then at the end of the form you put the submit and reset buttons (if required). After this you enter the suitable html code to send the form to right emails and bring up a thank you page.