
I kept the form page very simple and basic but in style with the rest of the website,
i just had the fields Name, Email, Subject and message. i also tried to put a attachment box in there but i had several problems with actual getting that up and running.

I also left my email and telephone details if the client felt more comfortable using them instead of the form page.

i also decided to do a about me page to let the client know a little bit about me to get them to feel more comfortable with me as a potential service provider.

For the gallery part of the website i chose to split my work into three fields commerical, projects and personal to help the user found the type of work he/ she is looking for. I decided to have two black and white images with a colour picture in the middle because it give a better compostion than any other mixture of images.

From a visitor's point of view, a good web site is one that...

* usable
* ...has something he/she wants
* ...doesn't waste his/her time and
* ...isn't irritating.

that's what I kept in mind when developing this website, i wanted to keep it simple and clean but easy to navigate so the user would not get frustrated and move away from the site.
In the end went for a basis logo on white background to mirror the dark picture on the side of it, i also deiced to go for the red style navigation buttons which discovered worked best through my research and development.


html website design

.This was a web page i was quite pleased about but not happy enought to have it as my final design, the basic elements of my final shell of a websit are their but it needs some fine tuning.



For our websites we have to a have a dedicated page for the sole purpose of clients contacting or enquiring directly to the photographer without the hassle of copy and pasting email addresses, This is a called a form page or a contact page, I decide to use dreamweaver to create mine, First of all every box has to be within a form tag (red outlined box).
The first tag put down is a name text box so the client can be easily found, the second is a email address (or a telephone number which ever the client prefers) so you can respond to the client, then most websites have a query box so the client can ask the photographer questions but there are a number of optional fields which i have put in mine like signing up to the newsletter and submitting an attachment. Then at the end of the form you put the submit and reset buttons (if required). After this you enter the suitable html code to send the form to right emails and bring up a thank you page.


hyperlink icons

Here are the hyperlink icons I intend to use for footer of my website, I used the website Phil suggested, This will help potential clients keep track of my continuing work and to optimise the web traffic between my different online contacts. This will in turn increase the confidence of the potential clients have in me and my work.

navigation bar

here is one of the navigation bars
i might use, as mentioned before in another blog i like the idea
of simple text on a red backdrop, it still needs fine tuning and I would like to improve the design a bit more before putting it on my final website design.


web gallery

this basic start of my bridge web gallery
i hope to change the styling and maybe switch programs to get more
control over the design ideas
but this simple design does appeal to me and would suit the feel of my website


contact sheets for I carry your heart with mine

here are the preview contact sheets and design ideas for the project to create a set of images to a piece of text
i focused quite a bit on the flowers because i felt they embodied both the ideas of love and nature, the most difficult line to base images around was the "here is the deepest secret nobody knows " I ended up choosing a phone and a unopened letter to suggest secretiveness, i also photographed a locked door to try and be suggestive about whats going on behind it.
Overall i am pleased with the images i produced i think they mix a number of suggestive and concrete ideas in image form which follow the underlining imagery in the text(poem).

I created the background of the website using brushes from the excellent misprinted type 3.0 by Eduardo Recife and just put a an image, logo and changed gradient of the website background to give the look of a website, this the first website design i did but i still wanted something more professional looking.

So i created another website which is nearly how i would like my final website to look like, i just when for a simpler design than my first, neutral tones and a easy navigation. In my final design the image will change on the homepage every 3-4 seconds. i also added the hyperlink logos on the bottom of the page for my facebook, flickr etc

basic design ideas

Here are some of the first ideas for the studio and location shots for the images on text project, Following my research on imagery in poetry i would like to go down the route of doing mostly shots focused on nature (flowers trees etc) but also have other items in there for some of the lines like " here is the deepest secret nobody knows " which could have a lock and key, a telephone call or a door. I would like to try out the idea of shooting at sunset in the magic hour to give a ambient feel to some of the images.


new business card ideas

here is one of my ideas
i have been working
while on my work placement
i took the original photo from the water drops in my kitchen
. I used the ideas i have learnt from the previous lesson on composition and typography to create a more professional looking business card but i feel from the look of this card it is more creative design looking than photographic.


photo from christmas hoilday

Me and Fred at the airport in France
long exposure
canon film 100 ISO, I used my time to test images in low light situations and slower shutters speeds, I am thinking of using some of this techniques in my short photographic project putting images to text.



"Good typography is just as important on a Web page as it is in any other medium. The fact that it appears on a computer screen and not on a piece of paper is immaterial; it should still be pleasing to look at and easy to read.

In every situation where type is used — in publishing, signage, packaging, television, etc. — designers have to adapt their techniques to suit the medium."

The font on our website has to suite the style, composition and our all round feel of the website is has to clear but not too plain. Here are some styles i have tried out.